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Operating System

App activity time

As MacOS app-activity-time tracks the time spent on each window. It is a super lightweight script that measures your activity time and saves the statistics to a CSV file.

task: app-activity-time
# Initialize CSV as database
- db.init(...)

# Update CSV every time when window changed
- event.on(__WINDOW_CHANGED__) => $win:
- db.write(...)

To visualize the data in CSV, you need to use some other tool like excel or google sheets. And good thing here is that you own your data, which is not stored in any third-party apps, and you can do whatever you want with it.

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In case that you need an off-the-shelf timing spending analysis and visualization tool, you can use ActivityWatch, which is an amazing open-source time tracking tool.

Switch keyboard according to active app

auto-switch-keyboard helps you switch keyboard layout automatically according to the active app.

Battery status warning

To keep the lithium battery healthy, you should not charge it to 100%, which may cause the battery to degrade faster. The battery should be charged up to 80% and then discharged to 20%.

battery-status-warning will push a notification to you when the battery level is below a certain threshold. You can set the threshold in the script.


This script will only work on MacOS.

AuTool script only extracts the data from the website and saves it into a CSV file. You can use the CSV file to visualize the data in excel or google sheets.

Install bark app

Note that these scripts are not executed on iPhones. These scripts are executed on desktop or remote servers, and send notifications to your iPhone.

To receive notifications on your iPhone, you need to install the bark app on your iPhone, which is a free and open-source notification app. You can also use other notification apps, such as pushover, ifttt, pushbullet, etc. I personally use bark because it is free and open-sourced.

Please keep your key confidential

People can use your key to send notifications to your phone. Please keep your key confidential.


Weather alerts

This is a script that sends weather alerts to your iPhone. It uses the pushover service to send notifications to your iPhone.
