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Watch Tiktok videos

A simple script that will pick a random video from a list of influencers and open it in the browser. This is just a proof of concept, but it can be used to automate the process of finding new content for your social media channels.

Search memes

Search memes

Quickly search for memes on search engines for images with target keywords. The returned images will be shown in the popup window, and you can click the preview to copy the image to clipboard.

Search memes


open-link-with-proxy will open a link in a new tab, and use a proxy to hide your IP address. This is useful when you want to open a link without revealing your IP address.

  • You need to pull back this docker image to use this script: tor-privoxy.
  • After launching this image, it will expose a HTTP proxy on port 8118, and socks5 proxy on port 9050, through which you can connect to TOR network.
docker pull dockage/tor-privoxy
docker run --name='tor-privoxy' -d \
-p 9050:9050 \
-p 9051:9051 \
-p 8118:8118 \

open-tor-onion-link will open a link in a new tab, and use a TOR proxy to hide your IP address. This is useful when you want to open a link without revealing your IP address.

Note that this script is not using the TOR browser, but rather a proxy that connects to the TOR network through your local Chrome browser. You can still use the TOR browser to open the link, but I personally prefer this method because it is more lightweight.

Open specific profile or incognito window

open-chrome-profiles is simple script that will open a new Chrome window with a specific profile. This is useful if you have many profiles, and you want to quickly switch between them.


Copy clipboard to webpage

copy-clipboard-to-webpage parses the text in your clipboard, and type in the values into web table row by row. This is useful when the web page does not provide a way to import data from a CSV file.

In the animation below, the script is bounded to a keyboard shortcut. To use it, you can first copy the data from a spreadsheet, and then press the shortcut (Ctrl+J in this case). The script will then parse the data and type it into the web page.

Monitor product restock

monitor-bestbuy-restock will monitor the bestbuy website for updates. It checks the button state of the product page, and if the button text is not SOLD OUT, it will send a notification to your phone.

Track purchase and delivery status

  • These scripts are not meant to be used for malicious purposes. Please use them responsibly.

Yosemite ticket checker

Simple script that will check if there are any available tickets for Yosemite National Park.